4th of July is coming. It’s the birthday of our nation- the land of free.
Let’s start with a fun fact. Do you know that we still have 5 out of 6 American flags standing on the moon? Despite the harsh temperatures and space conditions of the lunar atmosphere, we are standing still! The one that is missing or fell was blown away by the exhaust from Apollo 11 during its liftoff from the moon.
Won’t it be great if we all could celebrate 4th of July on the moon (well, looking at scientific advancements that don't look too far!). But nonetheless, we can make the best of it here on earth.
But hang on, it’s coming on a weekday. So there shall be no 4th July long weekend (Sad? Don’t be). You can always celebrate this glorious day in your backyard or lawn with barbecue, beer and more…
So here are the cool yet simple things to consider for your 4th of July party.
1. The Seating:
First and for most think about the seating. How do you want it- just chairs, folding tables or a portable sofas. You don’t want your guest to snatch each others place while one of them gets up to get a drink or food. (Caution: they might leave early and irritated. So this is crucial). So plan out sitting arrangement, enough for anticipated guests. Also, you can give a patriotic touch by adding these throw pillows to your chairs. Check out this rustic 4th of July special pillow cover here.
First and for most think about the seating. How do you want it- just chairs, folding tables or a portable sofas. You don’t want your guest to snatch each others place while one of them gets up to get a drink or food. (Caution: they might leave early and irritated. So this is crucial). So plan out sitting arrangement, enough for anticipated guests. Also, you can give a patriotic touch by adding these throw pillows to your chairs. Check out this rustic 4th of July special pillow cover here.
2. Menu Planning:
One thing that people always remember after the party is the food (Well that’s the reason I don’t try any new dishes while throwing a party. Experience speaks babe!) So think about the favorite treat of the majority of guests and there you are with your main course. Then plan other items around the main course. However, your 4th of July cookouts shall typically have burgers, hot dogs, barbecue, corn on the cob, baked beans, watermelon, salads, and patriotic desserts.
One thing that people always remember after the party is the food (Well that’s the reason I don’t try any new dishes while throwing a party. Experience speaks babe!) So think about the favorite treat of the majority of guests and there you are with your main course. Then plan other items around the main course. However, your 4th of July cookouts shall typically have burgers, hot dogs, barbecue, corn on the cob, baked beans, watermelon, salads, and patriotic desserts.
3. Update your guests:
Let your guests know about your plans. Anything if they need to bring along and not bring along (This will avoid awkward surprises). If it is a 'Bring your own booze' (BYOB) party or whatever. If your menu requires help from friends don’t shy from asking for it. Ask your buddies to dress in red, white, and blue (It's 4th of July, right). The key if letting them know about your plans so that you have only best memories to cherish ;)
Let your guests know about your plans. Anything if they need to bring along and not bring along (This will avoid awkward surprises). If it is a 'Bring your own booze' (BYOB) party or whatever. If your menu requires help from friends don’t shy from asking for it. Ask your buddies to dress in red, white, and blue (It's 4th of July, right). The key if letting them know about your plans so that you have only best memories to cherish ;)
4. The decor:
Now people don’t remember what you say and do but they will always remember the way they felt. Don’t forget to create the ambient that suits the occasion. Small miniature flags on the table to plastering the walls with blue and red stripes are some ideas. Adding potted red geraniums for greenery will give a classy or rustic touch to your ambiance. Pennant flag with red and blues stripes or stars work best.
Now people don’t remember what you say and do but they will always remember the way they felt. Don’t forget to create the ambient that suits the occasion. Small miniature flags on the table to plastering the walls with blue and red stripes are some ideas. Adding potted red geraniums for greenery will give a classy or rustic touch to your ambiance. Pennant flag with red and blues stripes or stars work best.
P.S. Don’t forget the fireworks!
5. Build a Community feeling:
All we need is love…..yes, you don’t have to be perfect, everything will work out fine if you ask for help and if everybody contributes with healthy attitude (which people do, most of the times). Independence day is not just the birth of this great nation its also about community living. That sense of community and belonging makes our country one big family. Try to bring that vibe by playing some interesting outdoor games or playing some music together.
All we need is love…..yes, you don’t have to be perfect, everything will work out fine if you ask for help and if everybody contributes with healthy attitude (which people do, most of the times). Independence day is not just the birth of this great nation its also about community living. That sense of community and belonging makes our country one big family. Try to bring that vibe by playing some interesting outdoor games or playing some music together.
So here are some simple, workable yet smart tips for arranging 4th of July party. I am sure you also might have some interesting tips to share. Please do. Also, I would love to hear your best party experiences. Just drop a message in the comment section below. Happy Independence Day!
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