Monday, November 23, 2015

5 Must Haves For Christmas Decor

Every home has their traditions that especially come alive during the holiday season.  Here are the 5 must haves in my home and I will be happy to share with you.

1.  Fresh flowers and green

Absolutely love it when my husband comes home with flowers and when he doesn't, I just go get my favorite flowers and greens.  Its a great way to bring the holiday spirit without a big fuss. You can team the green with a Amore Beaute felt flower pillow that is cozy and fun.

Amore Beaute Felt Flower Pillow

2. Sparkle With Candles And Pillows 

Some shimmer and sparkle is always festive and welcomes the holidays into your home.  You can choose scented candles to enhance the festive mood.  I usually go for non scented and let the wine and food set the mood for good time with family and friends.

3.  A Natural Christmas Tree

As I live in the tropical area by the sea its hard to locally find a real Christmas tree.  But my family has kept the tradition and we bring ours from the hills in the Himalayas.  A real tree brings in the warmth and an aroma that is unmatched by another holiday decor.  

4.  Holiday Music

An ideal evening is to sit by the fire, accompanied by family, friends and music.  In the next 2 weeks my in-laws will be arriving and I am busy putting together the small details and music for all.  

5.  A warm heart and an attitude to share happiness - that is what the holidays are all about.  Isn't it!

Friday, November 6, 2015

AmoreBeaute October Giveaway Gift

I have regular giveaways on my Facebook page.  It is a fun way to connect with friends and also to get to know new ones.  I have a different gift each time.  This time it was a custom monogrammed wall hanging:
 Custom Monogrammed Wall Decor from AmoreBeaute
It is a pleasure to announce the gift.  And the gift goes to...

 AmoreBeaute Facebook Giveaway- Like to win

Like, share and tag AmoreBeaute on Facebook to get a chance to win some interesting gifts.  Our next giveaway is coming soon...See you on my facebook page!